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- | Contents of the directory misc : Miscellaneous
- |------------------------------------------------
- DITO_Snap.lha misc/edu 106K 6+Snapshots of the DITO_Spanish Dictionary
- DITO_Spanish.lha misc/edu 3.5M 6+Spanish and LA Dictionary - 150000 words
- Geoworld_Upd03.lha misc/edu 102K 7+GeoWorld-Update3 (03/26/98) - new progra
- GlossTask.lha misc/edu 184K 3+GlossTask 1.72 Vocabulary training
- JeTuIl21.lha misc/edu 42K 3+Cdty that help to conjugate french verbs
- JeTuIl_21a.lha misc/edu 84K 2+Cdty that help to conjugate french verbs
- polyglot.lha misc/edu 170K 7+Powerful tool for learning languages
- Vokabeltrainer.lha misc/edu 50K 9+Powerful and easy word trainer. Sorry on
- wordplay.lha misc/edu 100K 3+Anagram Finder v. 0.001
- AmigaVGBPPC.lha misc/emu 175K 3+Rev5: Gameboy-emulator for PPC+CGX
- AmiRom64.lha misc/emu 12K 2+Tool to handle N64 roms V1.0 (Needs MUI)
- amiwin95.lha misc/emu 192K 6+Amigaize Windows95 Environment
- anes.lha misc/emu 39K 5+A/NES v0.99.6b - Nintendo emulator
- App8ImU.lha misc/emu 28K 5+Apple ][ disk image file utility (V0.6)
- AppEmu.lha misc/emu 211K 9+Enhanced "Apple on Amiga" emulator
- Arc64.lha misc/emu 13K 2+C64 archive processor V2.0
- atari800_tr.lzh misc/emu 194K 9+Atari 800 Emulator for Unix, Amiga and M
- BBFAQ25.lha misc/emu 334K 8+Bridgeboards Frequently Asked Questions
- C64_printer.lha misc/emu 44K 9+Use a Commodore64 printer on Amiga.
- CardTrickEVD.lha misc/emu 17K 6+Universal ShapeShifter EVD for CGX & P96
- CoolNESs.lha misc/emu 52K 7+Cool-NES-emulator v0.65 98.03.22
- darkNESs0_24.lha misc/emu 21K 6+Nintendo Entertainment System emulator v
- GOldNEST.lha misc/emu 28K 3+Early NES-Rom Editor (0.16)
- IBMConv.lha misc/emu 51K 6+GUI program to convert IBM/PC Text files
- listSHK.lha misc/emu 7K 10+List contents of a '.SHK' archive
- mgbsim.lha misc/emu 239K 8+M.G.B Simulator. New version V0.9.
- MUpdater.lha misc/emu 27K 10+Updates MAME install to be V0.30.2+ comp
- nA2000.lha misc/emu 28K 3+Enhanced "Apple 2000" emulator (V1.6)
- nesrip.lha misc/emu 7K 2+NES-Ripper v1.2
- PC_TaskPatch44.lha misc/emu 203K 8+PC-Task 4.4 Patch. Updates 4.3 to 4.4
- ShapeShifter39.lha misc/emu 243K 2+Macintosh II emulator, V3.9
- TapSlice.lha misc/emu 6K 3+Converts a TAP file into a series of hea
- TI4Amiga.lha misc/emu 20K 3+Texas Instruments 99/4A emulator
- unBINSCII.lha misc/emu 6K 10+Decodes an Apple 8 bit BINSCII file
- v2600.lha misc/emu 47K 9+Atari 2600 (VCS) Emulator
- wzonka_lad.lha misc/emu 245K 5+Wzonka-Lad - Gameboy emulator v0.99.3 +
- amiag13.lha misc/kids 349K 9+Fun program that teaches Japanese WB1.3
- amiag1dm.lha misc/kids 351K 9+Fun program that teaches Japanese WB2+
- AnimalLand.lha misc/kids 289K 8+Numbers And Animals Recognition
- AZ_PaintPad.lha misc/kids 148K 8+Colouring-In For Kids
- CareBearSums.lha misc/kids 138K 9+Practice your sums with the Care Bears!
- ColourIt.lha misc/kids 162K 8+Picture Book and Colouring-In
- CP.lha misc/kids 851K 4+Advanced Software Suite for KiDS V0.206
- KidsOnly.lha misc/kids 368K 9+Kids Entertainment Package
- Kids_Paint.lha misc/kids 157K 8+Basic Paint Program For Kids
- LittleImps.lha misc/kids 308K 8+Fun program covering basic maths
- MathMount.lha misc/kids 21K 9+Tests basic maths skills for young kids.
- MathTeacher.lha misc/kids 36K 7+Easy to use prog to learn mathematics
- mem.lha misc/kids 55K 8+Memory Game similar to card game Doubles
- MrGreedy.lha misc/kids 223K 9+Kids Animated Storybook
- PaintIt.lha misc/kids 278K 8+Colouring book with soud effects
- ReadnLrn_3Pigs.lha misc/kids 798K 8+Storybook with full sound and graphics
- snowy.lha misc/kids 280K 9+2 Games- Snakes&Ladders Doubles
- ThinkAMania.lha misc/kids 83K 8+RTG Memory game similar to card game Mem
- TimesTable.lha misc/kids 150K 8+Teaches Times Tables 1-12
- TreasureSch.lha misc/kids 234K 8+Logic Game - Find the Treasure!!
- WordFactory.lha misc/kids 379K 8+Practice your spelling!!
- convertor.lha misc/math 86K 2+Powerful UnitConverter. V2.74
- Fibonacci.lha misc/math 6K 2+A simple CLI program to calculate Fibona
- fourier.lha misc/math 69K 3+Calculates and shows fourier series
- Geometry_132.lha misc/math 55K 6+Geometrical calculations (update)
- Lapl020.lha misc/math 277K 5+V0.12 symbolic algebra program - 020 bin
- Lapl020fp.lha misc/math 272K 5+V0.12 symbolic algebra program - 020+FPU
- Lapl040.lha misc/math 273K 5+V0.12 symbolic algebra program - 040 bin
- Laplace000.lha misc/math 285K 5+V0.12 symbolic algebra program - 000 bin
- LaplaceBase.lha misc/math 558K 5+V0.12 symbolic algebra program - base ar
- LaplaceMsg.txt misc/math 2K 6+Read it before you register to Laplace
- Lucas.lha misc/math 83K 6+Lucas-Lehmer primality test. 68k+PPC.
- mathx121b.lha misc/math 284K 6+Math program, V1.21 beta, MUI
- Matrix.lha misc/math 11K 2+A small cli program which solves matrixe
- number.lha misc/math 28K 7+Convert Arabic numerals to many language
- postfix.lha misc/math 12K 6+Postfix Expression Calculator
- ReadWorkSheet.lha misc/math 10K 10+V2.1, Read/execute non-Amiga MapleV work
- 1dayers.lha misc/misc 273K 6+One Day International scorecards
- Afl.lha misc/misc 418K 4+Australian Football League scores
- Cocktails_1_25.lha misc/misc 185K 8+COCKTAILS v1.25 Very nice cocktails prog
- Cocktls_E.lha misc/misc 174K 8+COCKTAILS v1.25 Very nice cocktails prog
- Fanta.lha misc/misc 17K 10+Italian Fantacalcio organiser NO BUGS.
- flm_pos.lha misc/misc 129K 10+E<->G dictionary for pOS
- HIT.lha misc/misc 2K 4+Shows a 'Hit any PC user to continue' me
- lotolib.lha misc/misc 18K 3+Lotolib for LOTO v2.3+ (1976 au 18-Avril
- Lotto.lha misc/misc 699K 9+Play (Ger) Lotto! Print forms. (V1.27)
- MagicBNSv1_02.lha misc/misc 1.2M 7+Pack for Upgrating MagicBoard and MagicS
- Nept10.lha misc/misc 104K 5+Astrology prog. with excellent gfx. V1.0
- SpaTra01.lha misc/misc 149K 4+Spanish Translations Pack 01 - 1.30
- SpaTra02.lha misc/misc 155K 3+Spanish Translations Pack 02 - 1.30
- SpaTra03.lha misc/misc 181K 3+Spanish Translations Pack 03 v0.6
- SpaTra04.lha misc/misc 57K 3+Spanish Translations Pack 04 v0.1
- SrpskiWBUpd11.lha misc/misc 108K 2+SrpskiWB v1.0 to v1.1 update (Serbian)
- Srpski_WB.lha misc/misc 223K 2+Complete package for SerbianWB (Serbian)
- toto8.lha misc/misc 53K 8+Prg. to win at Totogol V0.92 +GUI. Itali
- Tottogol2.lha misc/misc 36K 2+V2.1-Italian prog for Totogol-Needs MUI
- AmiSPICEed.lha misc/sci 282K 4+Analog circuit editor for SPICE (V1.4)
- circuit.lha misc/sci 67K 5+Free logic circuit simulator using MUI
- CircuitData.lha misc/sci 5K 2+5 additional macros for 'Circuit'
- DAlmanacData.lha misc/sci 8.4M 8+Datas (V39.7) for Digital Almanac (V39.1
- DAlmanaExe.lha misc/sci 410K 8+Great Astronomical Program (V39.14)
- FIRDesign.lha misc/sci 121K 10+FIR Filter Designer V1.2
- FIRDsgn2.lha misc/sci 166K 9+FIR Filter Designer V2.2
- PetitChimiste.lha misc/sci 219K 5+A 3D presentation tool for chemical mole
- SunCalc.lha misc/sci 40K 10+Sunrise/Sunset Calculator